泰國庶民和弱勢群體的草根式語言學習和語言使用 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月







  Research, as reported in this book, addresses how does the language a person speaks, reads & writes affect one’s opportunity to hold what types of job, and be economically successful or unsuccessful in the context of Thailand, continental Southeast Asia/ASEAN? This book is interested in how foreign/second language education helps the marginalized groups (e.g., orphans with disabilities, asylum seekers, urban refugees) achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations.   

  This book stresses the need to let the marginalized groups (e.g., asylum seekers, urban refugees, orphans with and without disabilities, street workers, bargirls/love entrepreneurs) learn foreign/second languages (whether English, Chinese, Japanese and Thai).  Foreign/second language skills are important for the socially excluded minority groups and individuals to better their situations, reduce poverty and further their pursuit of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  




  Hugo Yu-Hsiu Lee has been an award-winning researcher at the Indiana University Bloomington (USA) and the National Institute of Development Administration (Thailand), and Harvard University's member of e-courses (Harvard Kennedy School). He currently serves as one of the United Nations Consultants, United Nations Organizational Development & Staffing Unit (United Nations Headquarters, Asia / Bangkok duty station).    


◎第一部 導言
Part 1 Introduction

Chapter 1
Language-Support Programs To Help Achieve Sufficiency Economy & Sustainable Development in The Margins

◎第二部  殘疾孤兒的英語學習
Part 2 Issues in English Education for Orphans with Disabilities

Chapter 2
The Promise of English to Reduce the Poverty for Orphans with Special Needs

◎第三部  服務業基層人士的語言議題
Part 3 Issues in Language Learning and Language Use for Service-Industry Workers

Chapter 3
Service Industry could be a Game-Changer for Language Learning: Another Challenge for Thai Masseuses, Restaurant Waiters and Waitress

Chapter 4
Speaking like a Love Entrepreneur among Peasants’ Daughters

Chapter 5
Bargirl Style of Language Use

◎第四部 尋求政治庇護者、都市難民的語言議題
Part 4 Issues in Language Education, Language Use (Communication) for Asylum Seekers and Urban Refugees

Chapter 6
Issues in Language Education for Urban Refugee Children and Youth

Chapter 7
Issues in Language and Communication faced among Urban Refugee Adults

Concluding Remarks of The Book



1. 洪銘謙/台灣泰國交流協會秘書長


  相信李博士的著作定能幫助到更多現在或未來將前往 泰國的台灣人,使台灣與泰國間的交流能隨著使用合適的語言更加廣泛,並期盼讀者能夠過此書的閱讀拉近台灣與泰國間的友誼,達到真正的台泰交流。

2. 李三財/「就諦學堂」創辦人



3. Serafin M. Coronel‐Molina/美國社會語言學家

  The social, linguistic, cultural, political, and economical reality of indigenous and minoritized people is changing by leaps and bounds around the world. The asymmetrical relationships of power, ideology, politics and economy are tremendous forces that cause a range of inequalities and injustices, and oppressions at all levels that end up increasing the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

  Social phenomena such as war, famine, poverty, natural disasters, racial/ethnic cleansing, and political and religious persecutions can generate a host of displacements and diaspora movements (voluntary and involuntary migrations). Lack of opportunities for education and good health can also initiate waves of migration worldwide.

  When people immigrate to a new social and physical space, they have to face the new ways of being, seeing, knowing and experiencing the world.  This situation becomes even more challenging when linguistic differences are added to the cultural. For instance,

  "many minorities do not possess sufficient political, economic, social or linguistic capital vis-à-vis the dominant, privileged sectors of society.

  This reality puts the minority population at a disadvantage and creates some stumbling blocks in their quest to achieve linguistic inclusion and social justice.

  These excluded populations are condemned to live on the margins or peripheries of society. "

  In this sense, this volume entitled Language and Minority in the Making of Thailand by Hugo Yu-Hsiu Lee, constitutes a singular contribution that explores issues such as language poverty, language and economy, and language and development from an interdisciplinary perspective. The book is composed of seven chapters, with a primary focus on the relationship between foreign- and second-language teaching and learning, bilingualism and individual multilingualism, and the struggles of minority populations to integrate into the mainstream society of Thailand. The book also links economic disadvantages to educational disadvantages from sociolinguistic and ecological perspectives. In other words, it provides past and present accounts of the strategic bi- and multilingual language use of minorities such as orphans with disabilities, bar girls, asylum seekers, migrant workers and urban refugees in Bangkok.

  In a nutshell, Language and Minority in the Making of Thailand encapsulates fundamental debates on language, inequality, poverty, education, economy and development. The insightful content of this book discusses pivotal topics in sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology and applied linguistics in relation to linguistic and political economy, using linguistic ethnography as the methodology. It will be a compelling and useful read for anyone interested in language rights and language practices in contact situations, in this part of the world or any other.


  AS I AM writing and revising preface, the 74th session of United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (held from 11 - 16 May 2018 at the United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok), is now in full swing to address the issue of inequality (Theme Topic: Inequality in the era of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).  Discussions about information and communication technology, environment, economics, financing, trade, investment, transport, energy are held among United Nations senior officials and ministerial representatives during the 74th Commission.  

  Nonetheless, inequality of opportunity to access basic education rights, services and resources such as suitable learning materials, pedagogy and teaching methods required for individuals and groups to communicate with foreign customers and trade partners from other countries is not addressed by the United Nations. The cost of ignoring inequality of opportunity to learn globally dominant, foreign and second languages is significant.

  The book finds that inequality is on the rise in Thailand and unequal access to opportunities such as foreign and second language learning (particularly dominant-language learning opportunities) has left enormous marginalized individuals and groups behind, resulting in widen inequalities of outcomes, particularly in income.

  The book also finds that to converse in a foreign/second language is closely associated with opportunity and power to increase income.  This is particularly true for the urban poor and those who work in the service industry.  

  There is a growing recognition that strategic bi-/multilingualism in individual and group levels is good to boost economic growth. Research (as reported in the book) demonstrate that marginalized individuals and groups with high access rates to dominant, foreign, second language learning opportunities have lower poverty rates.  

  In other words, minority peoples who actively foster foreign/second language learning gain more rewards in their workforce.       

  Access to humanitarian-based language-support programs and informal foreign/second language learning resources is crucial for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) for different groups of minority peoples by helping reduce and combat poverty, increase employment opportunity and advance formal and informal education.  In the last decade, language solutions to social problems have not yet become a central focus of research, development planning and implementation of plans by the United Nations and civil society leaders.  

  However, language solutions to social problems are essential to help realize United Nations’ SDGs.  Micro language planning, precision language education, informal language learning, competent and strategic bi-/multilingualism, for instance, help reduce poverty (SDG1) and reduce inequality (SDG10), support the development of education (SDG4) and industry (SDG9), and ultimately boost economic growth (SDG8).

本書目的 Purposes of This BookThis Book Calls for Minority peoples (in developing countries) are encouraged to use the power of dominant languages (particularly, English) as tools to build their futuresLanguage and Minority in the Making of Modern Thailand: Towards Development and Social Change is intended to provide a recent review of the past decade and a recent understanding about strategic bi-/multilingual language use among marginalized populations, labelled as minority peoples (e.g., orphans with disabilities, bargirls, asylum seekers and urban refugees), in Thailand’s capital, Bangkok City.  The book aims to reveal inequality in access to acquire English and inequality in educational resources to obtain fluency of other dominant (foreign/second) languages, particularly with an emphasis on Chinese and Japanese, all of which are unequally distributed to the poor, marginalized and vulnerable groups (compared to the elite class who has almost exclusive access to English and other dominant languages to legitimize their status in the social hierarchy).  This book is also used as a databank on descriptions of language and poverty, language and minority peoples, language and economic growth, and language and development complied for the past decade (2010-2018) in Thailand.     Chronic low-income and long-term poverty in individual, family and national levels remain a constant issue to overcome.  This book helps understand the mechanisms through which foreign/second (bi-/multilingual) language competence in the individual level affect one’s economic, social and sustainable developments.  Understanding these above-mentioned mechanisms might have policy, research and practical implications for educational and social policy in national, regional and international levels.  Mainstream English and other dominant languages (e.g., Chinese) to overcome poverty and attain development for the marginalized and vulnerable groups in developing countries
