The Iconoclast’s Journal | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

The Iconoclast’s Journal

作者:Griggs, Terry

Spooked by some ball lightning on his wedding night, repressed young Catholic Griffith Smolders interprets this as a sign and abandons his conjugal responsibilities by escaping through the window, enduring a series of misadventures along the way involving, among others, con men, murderesses, shipwrecks, and autodidact biologist hermits. Giving chase, his betrothed, Avice Drinkwater, finally runs Grif aground in a tiny island community, and prepares to exact her revenge.Set in the rough-and-tumble late nineteenth century backwoods, The Iconoclast's Journal is wildly kinetic, a madcap picaresque and comic anti-romance by one of the most inventive writers at work today.

Terry Griggs is the author of Quickening, which was nominated for a Governor General’s Award, The Lusty Man, and Thought You Were Dead. Her popular children’s novels include the Cat’s Eye Corner series, and, most recently, Nieve (Biblioasis). In 2003, Terry Griggs was awarded the Marian Engel Award in recognition of a distinguished body of work, and in 2010 honoured with the installation of a Project Bookmark Canada plaque in Owen Sound. Her latest book is the short fiction collection, The Discovery of Honey (Biblioasis, 2017). She lives in Stratford, Ontario.
