Layers of Learning Year One Unit Ten: Ancient China, Forests, Machines, Chinese Art | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

Layers of Learning Year One Unit Ten: Ancient China, Forests, Machines, Chinese Art

作者:Copher, Michelle,Loutzenhiser, Karen

Learn how shadow puppets consoled a great Chinese emperor for the loss of his wife and make puppets of your own. Do you know why the first pagoda was built or what Confucius has to do with modern philosophy? You will after you've played and learned with this Layers of Learning Curriculum. Build a playground sized lever, decide whether Paul Bunyan was really a hero, learn why a "tree is a sensitive thing", make paper, and discover the Terracotta Army, plus tons more In each unit you'll find a recommended library list, important background information about each topic, lots of activities to choose from for kids of all ages, and sidebars with a bunch more ideas including Additional Layers, Fabulous Facts, On The Web, Writer's Workshop, Famous Folks, and Teaching Tips. Printable maps and worksheets are included at the end of each unit and may be printed as often as needed for your family or class.

Karen, a mother of four who has homeschooled her kids for more than six years with her husband, Bob, has a bachelor’s degree in child development with an emphasis in education. She lives in Utah where she gardens, teaches piano, and plays excruciating board games with her kids. Karen is our resident Arts expert and English and editing guru {most necessary as Michelle regularly and carelessly mangles the English language and occasionally steps over the bounds of polite society}. We both pitch in on Geography, in case you were wondering. Michelle and her husband, Cameron, homeschooling now for over a decade, whip their six boys into shape on their ten acres in beautiful Idaho country. Michelle earned a bachelors in biology, making her the resident Science expert, though she is mocked by her friends for being the Botanist with the Black Thumb of Death. She also is the go-to for History and Government, being almost, but not quite, well-read. She believes in staying up late, hot chocolate, and a no whining policy.
