La chica que dejaste atrás / The Girl You Left Behind | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

La chica que dejaste atrás / The Girl You Left Behind

作者:Moyes, Jojo

La autora de Yo antes de ti vuelve con una historia que te emocionar .Dos mujeres separadas por un siglo pero unidas por su determinaci n a luchar por lo que m s aman. A cualquier precio.En 1916 el artista franc s douard Lef vre ha de dejar a su mujer Sophie para irse al frente a luchar. Cuando la ciudad cae en manos alemanas y ella ha de acoger a los soldados en el hotel que regenta, el retrato que pint su marido se convierte en una obsesi n para el comandante germano y ella se ve forzada a arriesgarlo todo, su familia, su reputaci n e incluso su vida, con la esperanza de ver a su amor una ltima vez. Un siglo m s tarde el retrato de Sophie llega a manos de Liv como regalo de boda de su marido poco antes de la muerte de este. Su belleza habla de su corta vida juntos, pero cuando por casualidad Liv descubre la historia del cuadro tambi n ver amenazada su historia de amor. Un relato conmovedor de dos mujeres unidas por la lucha por lo que m s quieren.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONAnother New York Times bestseller by the author of Me Before You, After You, and One Plus One--a spellbinding story of two women united in their fight for what they love most.Two women separated by a century but united by their determination to fight for what they love most. At whatever price. Jojo Moyes's word-of-mouth bestseller, Me Before You, catapulted her to wide critical acclaim and struck a chord with a wide range of readers everywhere. Now, with The Girl You Left Behind, Moyes returns with another irresistible heartbreaker--a breathtaking story of love, loss, and sacrifice told with her signature ability to capture our hearts. Paris, 1916. Sophie Lef vre must keep her family safe while her adored husband, douard, fights at the front. When their town falls to the Germans in the midst of World War I, Sophie is forced to serve them every evening at her hotel. From the moment the new Kommandant sets eyes on Sophie's portrait--painted by her artist husband--a dangerous obsession is born, one that will lead Sophie to make a dark and terrible decision. Almost a century later, Sophie's portrait hangs in the home of Liv Halston, a wedding gift from her young husband before his sudden death.After a chance encounter reveals the portrait's true worth, a battle begins over its troubled history and Liv's world is turned upside all over again.
