Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q#: A Hands-On Approach | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Learn Quantum Computing with Python and Q#: A Hands-On Approach

作者:Kaiser, Sarah C.,Granade, Christopher

Christopher Granade completed his PhD in physics (quantum information) at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing, and now works in the Quantum Architectures and Computation (QuArC) group at Microsoft. He works in developing the standard libraries for Q# and is an expert in the statistical characterization of quantum devices from classical data. Previously, Christopher helped Scott Aaronson prepare lectures into his recent book, Quantum Computing Since Democritus. Sarah Kaiser completed her PhD in physics (quantum information) at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing. She has spent much of her career developing new quantum hardware in the lab, from satellites to hacking quantum cryptography hardware. Communicating what is so exciting about quantum is her passion, and she loves finding new demos and tools to help enable the quantum community to grow. When not at the keyboard, she loves kayaking and writing books about engineering for kids.
