夏洛克·福爾摩斯全集(上下)(英文原版) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



「英國偵探小說之父」阿瑟·柯南·道爾創作的《夏洛克·福爾摩斯全集》可謂是開辟了偵探小說的不朽經典,一百多年來被譯成57種文字,暢銷世界各地。福爾摩斯更是成了名偵探的代名詞,他與華生的搭檔組合,都對后世的偵探小說有着極其深遠的影響。在此書問世100年后,英國皇室決定授予小說同名主人公大偵探福爾摩斯以爵士爵位。英皇授爵的條件是苛刻而嚴肅的,卻破天荒授給一個書上的虛構人物。可見,柯南·道爾100年前的著作有着多麼深遠的影響和重要意義。《夏洛克·福爾摩斯全集(英文原版共2冊)》涵蓋了四篇長篇、56篇短篇福爾摩斯系列小說,全英文原版出版,同時提供配套英文朗讀免費下載,讓讀者在欣賞精彩故事的同時,亦能提升英語閱讀水平。阿瑟·柯南·道爾爵士(1859-1930),英國傑出的偵探小說家、劇作家、歷史學家,被譽為「世界偵探小說之父」。1887年,柯南道爾的第一部偵探小說《血字的研究》問世,這部小說在當時社會引起了強烈的反響,深受廣大讀者喜愛。於是1889年又發表了他的第二部偵探小說《四簽名》,這兩部小說中塑造了「福爾摩斯」這一神探形象。此后,柯南·道爾又陸續發表了一系列以「福爾摩斯」為主要人物的中篇小說,皆收入到《夏洛克·福爾摩斯全集》中。1900年,柯南·道爾以軍醫身份到南非參與布爾戰爭(The Bore War)。因在野戰醫院表現出色,獲封爵士。1930年7月7日過世,享年71歲。

Volume ⅠA Study in ScarletPart I.Being a reprint from the reminiscences of JOHN H. WATSON, M.D.,late of the Army Medical Department Mr. Sherlock Holmes The Science of Deduction The Lauriston Garden Mystery What John Rance Had To Tell Our Advertisement Brings A Visitor Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can Do Light in the DarknessPart II.The Country of the Saints On the Great Alkali Plain The Flower of Utah John Ferrier Talks With The Prophet A Flight For Life The Avenging Angels A Continuation of the Reminiscences of John Watson, M.D. The Conclusion.The Sign of Four The Science of Deduction The Statement of the Case In Quest of a Solution The Story of the Bald-Headed Man The Tragedy of Pondicherry Lodge Sherlock Holmes Gives a Demonstration The Episode of the Barrel The Baker Street Irregulars A Break in the Chain The End of the Islander The Great Agra Treasure The Strange Story of Jonathan SmallThe Hound of the Baskervilles Mr. Sherlock Holmes The Curse of the Baskervilles The Problem Sir Henry Baskerville Three Broken Threads. Baskerville Hall The Stapletons of Merripit House First Report of Dr. Watson Second Report of Dr. Watson Extract from the Diary of Dr. Watson The Man on the Tor Death on the Moor Fixing the Nets The Hound of the Baskervilles A RetrospectionThe Valley of FearPart I. The Tragedy of Birlstone The Warning Sherlock Holmes Discourses The Tragedy of Birlstone Darkness The People of the Drama A Dawning Light The SolutionPart II. The Scowrers The Man The Bodymaster Lodge 341, Vermissa The Valley of Fear The Darkest Hour Danger The Trapping of Birdy EdwardsAdventures of Sherlock Holmes A Scandal in Bohemia. The Red-Headed League A Case of Identity The Boscombe Valley Mystery The Five Orange Pips The Man with the Twisted Lip The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle The Adventure of the Speckled Band The Adventure of the Engineer』s Thumb The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet The Adventure of the Copper BeechesVolume ⅡMemoirs of Sherlock Holmes Silver Blaze The Yellow Face The Stock-Broker』s Clerk The 「Gloria Scott」 The Musgrave Ritual The Reigate Puzzle The Crooked Man The Resident Patient The Greek Interpreter The Naval Treaty The Final ProblemThe Return of Sherlock Holmes The Adventure of the Empty House The Adventure of the Norwood Builder The Adventure of the Dancing Men The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist The Adventure of the Priory School The Adventure of Black Peter The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton The Adventure of the Six Napoleons The Adventure of the Three Students The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter The Adventure of the Abbey GrangeThe Adventure of the Second Stain Preface The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge The Adventure of the Cardboard Box The Adventure of the Red Circle The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans The Adventure of the Dying Detective The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax The Adventure of the Devil’’s Foot His Last BowThe Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Preface The Adventure of the Illustrious Client The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone The Adventure of the Three Gables The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire The Adventure of the Three Garridebs The Problem of Thor Bridge The Adventure of the Creeping Man The Adventure of the Lion’’s Mane The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place The Adventure of the Retired Colourman
