優雅英國腔,英國人天天在用的日不落英語(附MP3) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月


作者:Matthew Gunton

To Increase Your British Quotient

  本書作者以直白的英國人觀點,融合多年在台從事英語教學的經驗為讀者闡述英美兩國之間的英語差異,從拼寫、發音到俚語之間的不同,以最深入淺出的方式來幫助讀者學習。無論是正在準備IELTS、New TOEIC,想要學習正統英式英語發音的讀者或是想要到英國工作、留學、旅遊,甚至是不用出門,待在家中就想了解英國人文風情及學好英文的你都一定要看本書。



  ★    以食、衣、住、行、育、樂做分類,由英籍作者告訴你英國人在日常生活中都是這麼說的。情境對話+字彙+一問三答,教你遇到這樣的情境就要這麼說,聽到這樣的問題就要這麼答,不同的回答讓你不詞窮。

  ★    以英美兩國英語口音、拼寫上細微的差異並加上作者多年的英語教學經驗,鉅細靡遺地闡述「英美大不同」,讀者更能把握住英美兩國發音及字彙拼寫上的規則。還有作者以歷史文化背景來針對不同的俚語作精闢的解析。只要在家讀,不用出國也能深入英國人的日常生活,感受英國的歷史文化。


  ★    由專業英籍老師錄製的MP3,錄製內容包含活潑生動的「情境對話」、實用的「英國人的一問三答」及有趣的「英美大不同」,從對話、句子到文章,讓你聽到最多樣化的聲音表情。

  ★    邊讀邊聽邊念的學習方式,不僅僅是能加快學好英語的步驟,也能同時增強聽力及口說能力雙管齊下,簡單地就能說出屬於自己的「優雅英國腔」。


Matthew Gunton

  英國布里斯托人(Bristol, UK)。在台灣二十餘年英語教學資歷,目前任職於與妻子(Wendy Lien)創立的專業英語學院,在文法教學上尤其仔細,視英語教學為良心事業。專長英語教學與教材編寫、審訂。



連緯晏 Wendy Lien



  著作:《新多益700分閱讀特訓班》、《Open Your「中英互譯」邏輯腦》

PART 1 Food in the UK  英國的『食』
Unit 1 Pizza Delivery  外送披薩
Unit 2 Fish and Chips  炸魚配薯條
Unit 3 Regional Foods  區域性食物
Unit 4 Pub  酒館
Unit 5 Restaurant  餐廳
Unit 6 Puddings  餐後甜點

PART 2 Clothing in the UK  英國的『衣』
Unit 1 Best Dressed Film Star  最佳穿著電影明星
Unit 2 Shopping  購物
Unit 3 Royal Family  皇室家族
Unit 4 Baby Shower  產前派對

PART 3 Living in the UK  英國的『住』
Unit 1 Bank  銀行
Unit 2 Renting  租屋
Unit 3 Holidays  假期
Unit 4 Homes  家
Unit 5 Christmas  聖誕節
Unit 6 Weather  天氣

PART 4 Transportation in the UK  英國的『行』
Unit 1 Driving  開車
Unit 2 Trains  火車
Unit 3 Walking  步行
Unit 4 Tube  地鐵
Unit 5 Airport  機場
Unit 6 The English Channel  英吉利海峽

PART 5 Education in the UK  英國的『育』
Unit 1 University  大學
Unit 2 Employment  職業
Unit 3 At University  在大學
Unit 4 Adult Education  成人教育
Unit 5 Oxbridge  牛津劍橋
Unit 6 Online Degree  線上教學課程

PART 6 Entertainment in the UK  英國的『樂』
Unit 1 Football  足球
Unit 2 Music  音樂
Unit 3 Cinema  電影
Unit 4 London  倫敦
Unit 5 Stonehenge  巨石陣
Unit 6 Theatre  劇院
Unit 7 Humour  幽默
Unit 8 Art  藝術


  In over 20 years of teaching English in Taiwan, I’ve often been asked what the differences between American English and British English are, or I’ve heard, “I’ve learnt American English, not British English”.

  Taiwanese often call all western foreigners ‘Americans’. Similarly they believe that they are learning ‘American’, but there is no such language. In fact many Americans speak Spanish, not English as their first language.

  So, what exactly is the difference? The answer is often subtler than a simple grammar lesson or learning some more vocabulary. This book, written unashamedly from a British prospective, will try to answer this question while also giving some insight into life in the UK.

  In grammar, there are no real differences between British and American English. In vocabulary, there are a few with some words favoured in one country more than in the other, and there are some minor spelling variations, but we understand each other perfectly well.

  There are differences in accents, but even then there are greater differences in both the UK and the US between northern and southern accents than there are between the two countries. It’s far more important that you don’t speak English with a Chinese accent than which type of English accent you have.

  There are more differences in idioms, as these are more culturally based. In this book I haven’t just tried to show the differences in language, I have tried to explain the cultural reasons behind them. To understand how people talk, you need to understand what they are talking about.

  Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that have helped in the writing of this book: My remarkable wife not only for her writing and translating but also for her insight into the UK from a foreign perspective. My two sons for their constant opinions. My students, many of whom appear in the book. My editor without whom this book would not exist. And of course you, the reader, for reading it at least this far.

Matthew Gunton
August 2015


  在台灣教英語超過二十年,常有人問我英式英語(British English)與美式英語(American English)究竟有什麼不同,更聽過人說:「我學的是美語(American),不是英語(English)。」







作者 Matthew Gunton  

Unit 1Best Dressed Film Star最佳穿著電影明星主題介紹十九世紀時,英國的上流社會開始注重起服裝。英國攝政時期的男性時尚指標波‧布魯梅爾(Beau Brummell)更示範了何爲打扮體面的男士。最有名的高級西裝訂製區域要屬位於倫敦梅費爾區的薩佛街(Savile Row),聚集多家高級西裝訂製店面,因傳統的客製男士服裝行業(bespoke tailoring)聞名。這條街被稱為「西裝裁縫業的黃金道」,許多政商名流都來過這裡訂製西裝。薩佛街的服裝店一直以來都是在自己的店面,或是地下室的工作室裡製作客戶訂製的西裝,包括拿破崙三世,以及前英國首相邱吉爾。而在1846年時,於其先父在薩佛街32號所創建的裁縫店內開設第二個出入口的亨利‧普爾(Henry Poole)被稱作薩佛街之父,但事實上,在那之前薩佛街早已有許多裁縫店。Dialogue  情境對話Two people are talking about film stars.兩個人正在談論電影明星。Ivy: Did you ever get to see The Imitation Game?你結果有沒有去看《模仿遊戲》?Andy: No, why?沒耶,怎麼了嗎?Ivy: Well… Benedict Cumberbatch is kind of cute.就……班奈迪克.康柏拜區蠻帥的。Andy: I wouldn’t know. But he certainly is well dressed.我是不知道他帥不帥啦。但是我知道他的穿著很講究。Ivy: It’s the suits. Ever since he played Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock, you’ll never see him in anything but a Savile Row suit.是西裝的功勞。自從他在《新世紀福爾摩斯》影集裡演出夏洛克之後,就不曾看過他穿薩佛街高級訂製西裝以外的衣服露面。
