Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals

作者:Herzog, Hal

  哈爾.賀札格為我們與動物關係所做的貢獻,就像《雜食者的兩難》(The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals)的作者麥可.波倫(Michael Pollan)為我們與食物的關係所做的貢獻一樣。在以風趣、老練、引人入勝的手法呈現尖端科技研究和真實世界面貌的同時,賀札格讓讀者明白看見我們所擁有與動物之間的關係,可能在前一分鐘還很理性,但瞬間轉變為充滿矛盾且錯綜複雜。這本書讀來很有趣,無論你現在相信什麼,它將改變你的想法。
-德州大學心理學家山姆.賈斯林(Sam Gosling)
  為什麼狗是寵物?豬是食物?  什麼原因影響人類無法對各種動物一視同仁?  為什麼我們將對動物的愛反映在貪得無厭的肉食上?  同樣是瀕臨絕種的動物,熊貓為何比娃娃魚受到更多關注?  虐待動物的兒童,長大後會變成暴力分子?  將海豚用來治療自閉症患者,是否合乎道德?  把心愛的寵物囚禁在自己家中是對的嗎?  將在收容所等著安樂死的流浪貓,去餵食動物園的蟒蛇,便可避免更多人工繁殖的老鼠,這樣的做法是否合理?
"Everybody who is interested in the ethics of our relationship between humans and animals should read this book."
--Temple Grandin, author of Animals Make Us Human


Hal Herzog, a maverick scientist and leader in the field of anthrozoology offers a controversial, thought-provoking, and unprecedented exploration of the psychology behind the inconsistent and often paradoxical ways we think, feel, and behave towards animals. A cross between Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma and Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods, Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat, in the words of Irene M. Pepperberg, bestselling author of Alex & Me, "deftly blends anecdote with scientific research to show how almost any moral or ethical position regarding our relationship with animals can lead to absurd consequences."


哈爾.賀札格Hal Herzog
  知名人類動物關係學家,研究報告發表於《科學雜誌》(Science)、英國皇家學會(Proceedings of the Royal Society)、美國心理學會(American Psychologist)、《美國學人》(The American Scholar)、社會議題期》(Journal of Social Issues)及美國獸醫學會(Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association)等知名學術期刊,並為《新聞週刊》(Newsweek)、《今日美國》(USA Today)、《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)、《芝加哥論壇報》(Chicago Tribune)、《科學人》(Scientific American)、《新科學家》(New Scientist)、《每日科學雜誌》(Science Daily)、《泰晤士報》(The London Times)、《石板雜誌》(Slate)、美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)、全國公共廣播電台(National Public Radio) 及MSNBC執筆專欄。哈爾.賀札格現為西卡羅來納大學(Western Carolina University)心理學教授,和妻子及他的貓咪提利住在田納西和北卡交界的大煙山(Great Smoky Mountains)。
  Hal Herzog is recognized as one of the world’s leading anthrozoologists. He is a professor of psychology at Western Carolina University and lives in the Great Smoky Mountains with his wife Mary Jean.
