Principles of International Trade (Import-Export) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

Principles of International Trade (Import-Export)

作者:Rhee, Chase, Dr.

Principles of International Trade (Import-Export): The first step toward globalization by Dr. Chase C. Rhee is a comprehensive book for international trade (Import-Export). This book is intended for college students who study international trade and business people who want to engage in international trade. The book covers major subjects necessary for a successful import-export business: Antidumping and countervailing duties ATA Carnet Classical theories of international trade Customs brokers Customs clearance Drawback Establishing an import business Export credit insurance Export entry strategies & export intermediaries Export pricing Financing exports Financing imports Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Antiboycott Laws Foreign trade zones Free trade agreements Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States IC-DISC, FSC, ETI Act, and AJCA Import quotas Inspection of imported goods Interactions between an exporter and an importer International freight forwarder & automated export system International organizations: GATT, WTO, ICC, & OECD International trade terms International transportation Locating products to export and export markets Locating products to import Marine cargo insurance Markings of imported goods Negotiation of shipping documents Overseas agents and distributors Packing of imported goods Pricing of imported goods Safeguard measures Sales contracts Shipping documents Special tariff treatment programs Temporary free importations Terms of payments Transaction value U.S. Government's export controls U.S. Government's export supports U.S. Government's import restrictions
