The Best of Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer: The Definitive Guide to Buying & Caring for a Piano or Digital Piano | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

The Best of Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer: The Definitive Guide to Buying & Caring for a Piano or Digital Piano

作者:Fine, Larry (EDT)

A piano is one of the most expensive consumer purchases many people will ever make. Yet when you shop for a piano, you'll find that honest, unbiased information about price, quality, features--even country of origin--is mysteriously scarce. For over 30 years, author, editor, and piano technician Larry Fine has guided piano buyers through the maze of competing claims, strange terminology, and myriad possibilities presented by the piano market--first with the publication, in 1987, of The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano, and, since 2009, with the twice-yearly magazine, Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer, at Best of Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer is a collection of the most useful articles we've published in the past nine years on buying a new, used, or restored piano or digital piano. Included in this volume are more than 30 articles on: - Buying a New Piano - Buying a Used or Restored Piano - Buying a High-End Piano - Buying Pianos for an Institution or Concert Hall - Caring for a Piano - Restoring, Selling, or Donating a Piano - Buying an Electronic Player-Piano System - Buying a Digital Piano - Hybrid and Software Pianos - Piano Benches, Lamps, and Accessories - Moving a Piano - How to Acoustically Optimize a Room for a Piano Plus--Descriptions of More Than 80 Brands of Acoustic, Digital, and Electronic Player Piano

Larry Fine is the author of The Piano Book, and Editor of Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer magazine, for more than 30 years the standard consumer references in the piano business. A Registered Piano Technician, Fine has been involved in the piano industry for more than 40 years. He lives in San Diego, California.
