跟著美劇《絕望主婦》學英語 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月




Chapter 1 美麗執着的單身媽媽——Susan 01 I don』t like that word, Julie. But yeah,that』s a great example. 茱莉,我不喜歡那個詞。但這個例子的確不錯。 02 I brought you a little housewarminggift. 我給你帶了一個喬遷的小禮物。 03 Now Zach』s the one who』s introuble. 現在是扎克有麻煩了。 04 I』ll make mincemeat out of you. 我要把你剁成肉醬。 05 Of all the lies you told, that』s theworst. 你說的所有謊話里,這個爛。Chapter 2 身處家庭危機的全能完美主婦——Bree 06 I need her. Not this cold perfect thingyou』ve bee. 我需要她,而不是你這個冷冰冰的完美女人。 07 We』re gonna find ourselves a marriagecounselor. 我們去找一個婚姻顧問吧。 08 You need to get used to bad cooking. 你要習慣糟糕的廚藝。 09 You should have discussed these giftswith me first. 你應該先和我商量這些禮物。 10 And even now, after the betrayal, I knowthat we』re supposed to be together. 即使現在他背叛了我,我仍覺得我們是命中注定的一對。Chapter 3 風流美艷的寂寞主婦——Gabrielle 11 Wouldn』t want them to think we』re nothappy. 我可不希望別人覺得我們不幸福。 12 I』m not going to stop my life justbecause she decides to show up. 我不能因為她來了就停止我的生活。 13 People slip into as all the time andnever e out. 很多人就這樣陷入昏迷再也沒有醒過來。 14 But they won』t release him on bail untilthey get the passport. 但是他們不拿到護照是不會讓他保釋回來的。 15 But having a baby, that, I can control.You, I can control. 但是生孩子,我能控制。你,我也能控制。Chapter 4 曾經的職場大鱷現在的忙亂媽媽——Lyte 16 I am not going to be humiliated in frontof the entire neighborhood. 我可不想在那麼多鄰居面前丟人。 17 A generous donation will ensure our kidsbeat them out. 一筆大方的捐贈能讓我們的孩子擊敗他們。 18 Your participation was supposed to belimited to making dinner, not making my ideas look bad. 你的參與應該僅限於做飯,而不是使我的主意看起來糟糕。 19 I』ve got a nanny! 我有保姆啦!. 20 Nobody respects a shrinking violet. 沒人會尊重羞怯的人。Chapter 5 主動出擊的掠奪者——Edie 21 This』ll make up for the dinner that younever threw me. 這次就算彌補你欠我的那頓飯了。 22 It was in that moment that Edie finallysaw the family resemblance. 此刻,伊迪才發現了她們的家族相似性。 23 They found Martha. 他們找到了瑪莎。 24 There』s something about this house that』sjust so cold and creepy. 這間屋子有點讓人不寒而栗。 25 I was trying to protect our alreadyfragile friendship. 我在努力保護我們脆弱的友誼。Chapter 6 智慧的旁觀者——Mary Alice 26 Guess we found the skeleton in hercloset. 她的小秘密曝光咯。 27 In order to win, you have to want itmore. 想要獲勝,你得無比渴望獲勝。 28 In addition to being boring;life couldalso be very cruel. 生活除了無聊還可以很殘酷。 29 Lyte Scavo received a gift everymother dreams of. 琳內特·斯卡沃收到了一份每個母親都夢寐以求的禮物。 30 The most vivid dreams of all belong tothe patient in Room 312. 豐富多彩的夢境要屬於312 病房的病人。
