How to End DACA, Sanctuary Cities, & Resident Illegal Aliens.: A great Americans-first plan which saves US $Trillions. Learn how! | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

How to End DACA, Sanctuary Cities, & Resident Illegal Aliens.: A great Americans-first plan which saves US $Trillions. Learn how!

作者:Kelly, Brian W.

Countries as far away as Australia have problems with illegal aliens creating big issues for its citizens. The Aussies use a technique called the Assisted Voluntary Return as part of an overall Pay-to-Go plan to incent migrants to leave Australia and go back home. Pay-to-Go across the world pays both travel expenses and offers a generous stipend for those who sign up for the offer to return home. The same approach would work in the USA But, what about those who would not leave the USA under any circumstance regardless of the incentive? Are we better off with the remainder of 60 million illegal interlopers staying in the shadows of America, rather than devising a plan to solve the problem in a way that keeps America whole and makes American citizens the masters of our own country again? I have devised such a plan. You will love it. By solving the problem of illegal residents in the US-about 60 million at last count, a major side benefit when done the right way is that DACA is also solved as is the idea of Sanctuary Cities. One of the major advantages of this overall plan which I will call the Kelly Plan because my name is Kelly is that it was not created by inept Congressmen or inept Senators looking to get reelected. It was built by a guy just like you and so it is built to work. It is built to solve the problem. The solution is to provide a special visa for interlopers, renewable annually. Every year they are vetted when their required $100 + renewal application is processed. It is called the Resident Visa. Interlopers never become citizens. They never vote. They collect no welfare or other freebies and Americans get jobs first. It is guaranteed to work if only we can get our legislators to pay attention to the fact that there is a great solution available today. No more shadows; No more DACA; No more Sanctuary Cities. How does that sound?. Besides all that, it will save the US a cool Trillion per year when it is fully implemented. Congress tried in earnest to do something to solve the problem in 2013 with the Gang of Eight proposal. and they failed miserably. The people do not trust Congress because Democrats want the voters and Republicans want the workers. Regular people want their country back. Gang of Eight put them on a fast track to citizenship that would cost US taxpayers up to $6.3 Trillion with all of its provisions. In 2013, Americans told Congress and the House voted "no" and we sent the Gang of Eight Senators packing. Our country is clearly in chaos; a race to the bottom in wages is underway; and regular Americans are losing the jobs and low-wages war every day. Trump is doing his best but even he is not a magician. The one clear choice for those wishing to stay in America would be if we can legalize interlopers on American terms with no benefits. This would end the sanctuaries and the shadows and be good for everybody. I think we can do it. In this book, you will learn how. The plan takes interlopers out of the shadows and gives them the opportunity they seek while keeping Americans whole and keeping the country prospering. You're going to like this America-first plan built by an American for Americans.

Brian W. Kelly retired as an Assistant Professor in the Business Information Technology (BIT) program at Marywood University, where he also served as the IBM i and midrange systems technical advisor to the IT Faculty. Kelly has designed, developed, and taught many college and professional courses. He is also a contributing technical editor to a number of IT industry magazines, including "The Four Hundred" and "Four Hundred Guru" published by IT Jungle. Kelly is a former IBM Senior Systems Engineer and he was a candidate for US Congress from Pennsylvania. He has an active information technology consultancy. He is the author of 179 other books, in many topical areas, as well as hundreds of articles. Kelly has been a frequent speaker at many US conferences. Invite him to your next conference on immigration solutions. When Brian ran for Congress as a Democrat against a 13-term Democrat in 2010, he took no campaign contributions, spent just enough to buy signs and T-shirts, and as a virtual unknown. Yet, he captured 17% of the vote. Kelly says: "Writing books is lots easier than running for public office!"
