How Republicans Can Legally Pay No Taxes, Change America, and Save the World | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

How Republicans Can Legally Pay No Taxes, Change America, and Save the World

作者:Voltaire, Lex

Dear Reader: This book is written for you in the hope that it is not too late to save the Country from the road that it is currently on. You must vote Republican in these Congressional and Senate elections because if you don't, you just may become a victim of the President's new IRS-CID "wealth-squad" attacks, even if you are not wealthy. No warning - only a sealed search warrant based on lies or innuendo from your neighbors or business competitors or corrupt informants - a sealed warrant that will take you months or years to unseal. Don't think that it can happen to you? Did you know that the President's new Health Care Bill will require everyone to report an expense of over $600 even if it is not tax deductible, so that the Government can monitor all of your transactions no matter what you purchase, including gold coins, guns, a new car or even illegal drugs? Read on...

Who is Lex Voltaire? Lex Voltaire is an amalgam of two-dozen of the nation’s most successful tax attorneys, who regularly advise large corporations and wealthy individuals on how to legally pay no taxes during their lifetime and upon death. This group of attorneys are worried that America is going down the wrong road faster than anyone can imagine. If the politics in Washington do not change immediately, the Country will self-destruct from a current deficit of thirteen trillion dollars, and over seventy-trillion dollars in future promises. Just paying the interest on this much debt will bankrupt all American citizens and cause the US Dollar to become worthless in a state of hyperinflation. Additionally, these tax attorneys are frightened by what they see as the unbridled and unchecked power of the IRS and an overly intrusive government. In this compelling book, you will discover that the Government threatens your future financial security, personal liberty, and in some cases, even your life. The Book will show why everyone must vote Republican in this election so that America can return to the golden years of having a progressive-liberal President in the White House, and Republican deficit-hawks in Congress. It is under that form of government, that America does best, and that American liberty and Constitutional rights are protected. The Constitution was designed to protect its citizens from an overly intrusive and all-powerful government, not the other way around as has occurred in recent years. The authors hope that you read this Book and use the tax ideas for your benefit before it is too late.
