Eeg Signal Processing and Machine Learning | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Eeg Signal Processing and Machine Learning

作者:Sanei, Saeid,Chambers, Jonathon A.

Dr Saeid Sanei, Visiting Reader, University of Surrey, UKDr. Sanei is currently a Visiting Reader at the University of Surrey’s Department of Computer Science. He received his PhD in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing from Imperial College London in 1991. He is an internationally known expert in signal processing, biomedical signal processing and pattern recognition. Dr Sanei’s research interest is developing and application of advanced digital signal processing and pattern recognition techniques with major applications in neuroscience and neurotechnology. These include adaptive filtering, tensor factorisation, blind source separation, compressive sensing, convex and global optimisation, channel estimation, identification, and deconvolution, clustering and classification, modelling, beamforming, data fusion, non-linear prediction, and analysis of dynamical changes using chaos theory, with applications to analysis of brain signals and images, gait recognition, sound (speech, music) and video data, brain-computer interfacing (BCI), source localisation and tracking, and many other acoustic, biomedical, and communication data.
