用英文說台灣(附2張CD) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:文庭澍,Catherine Dibello

  去年大專聯考英文作文題目是 “Travel is the Best Teacher”,參與閱卷的交通大學教授廖柏森在《聯合報》〈民意論壇〉發表他的看法:「考生寫起外國城市、博物館、遊樂園、節慶和文化都還算流利;但寫到國內的旅行經驗,卻很難拼寫出對的地名和景點,描述本地風土民情也是左支右絀,可見學生對本土事物的英文字彙掌握不足,無法表達地方性的題材和生活經驗」。  由於這個觸發,文庭澍和Catherine Dibello兩位教授合力寫出這本貼近台灣經驗的書。它可以練習作文、習寫翻譯、精練文法、練習朗讀;最重要的,你將學會與台灣日常生活息息相關的用語!鄭重推薦給準備大學聯考、全民英檢中級的讀者。本書特色◎ 台灣日常生活的英文用語presenting everyday English in Taiwan◎ 主題豐富多樣covering a variety of topics◎ 中美老師聯手編寫featuring a collaboration of Chinese and American teachers\’ work◎ 句型解析清楚clarifying complicated sentence structures◎ 引介生字、慣用語introducing idioms and slang◎ 習題多,反覆練習providing an abundance of exercises◎ 英文作文自習自通helping with self-study English writing作者簡介文庭澍  美國佛蒙特州School for International Training英語教學碩士,曾擔任台中東海大學附屬小學英文主任、任教靜宜大學兒童英語師資訓練班。有20多年兒童與成人英語教學經驗,著有多種英語學習叢書,現為逢甲大學語文中心專任講師。Catherine Dibello   印第安那大學英文系博士、費城大學雪頻堡分校副教授。教學範圍廣泛,從基礎英文作文到研究所課程皆有涵蓋。曾在台灣教5年文學與作文,目前為東海客座教授。

I. Holidays 節慶1 Traveling Abroad During the Spring Festival 2 春節出國行2 Lantern Festival Fun 12 歡樂在元宵3 Tomb Sweeping Day 22 清明掃墓節4 Row, Row the Dragon Boat 34 划,划,划龍舟5 Chinese Valentine’s Day 44 中國情人節──七夕6 Dos and Don’ts during Ghost Month 54 鬼月該做和不該做的事7 The Moon Festival 64 中秋節II. Social Issues 社會議題8 High Teenage Suicide Rate in Taiwan 74 台灣青少年的高自殺率9 Going Under the Knife 84 動刀整形10 Foreign Brides 94 外籍新娘11 Telescams 104 電話騙錢術12 Taiwan’s Legislative Election 114 臺灣立委選舉13 Lottery Fever 126 彩券熱14 Betel Nut: Taiwanese Chewing Gum 138 檳榔:台灣口香糖15 Happily Ever After 148 永浴愛河16 Plastic Money 160 塑膠錢III. Education 教育17 Placement Results Posted 170 放榜了!18 The GEPT Obsession 182 全民英檢熱19 Cram Schools 194 補習班

春節出國行Traveling Abroad During the Spring Festival While most people in Taiwan see the New Year holiday as time to spend at home with their families, others choose to travel abroad1. A good place to start planning your trip is with your travel agents2. They help you purchase tickets and apply for3 visas. But before they start the formalities, you need to decide whether a tour group or independent travel will suit you. Many Taiwanese prefer a tour since everything is arranged, including your itinerary, accommodations, and meals. A tour guide will accompany you while you are sightseeing and sometimes even when you are shopping. Moreover, these trips often cost less because you are purchasing a package deal. On the other hand4, other people prefer the freedom of independent travel. You can choose whether to stay5 in a luxury resor or a budget motel and whether to eat in five-star restaurants or ”greasy spoons.” Whether you like the ease of a tour or the freedom of independent travel, traveling6 abroad is a great way to spend your New Year holiday.春節出國行 多數台灣人視春節為回家與家人團圓的節日,然而有的人卻選擇出國旅遊。計畫旅遊先得與旅行社業務員一起計畫行程,他們會幫你買票和辦簽證,不過在辦這些手續前,你得決定跟團還是自助旅行比較適合你。 許多台灣人喜歡跟團,因為所有行程、住宿和餐飲都會打點好,導遊還會陪著你觀光,有時連「血拼」也跟著你。另外,跟團的花費通常較少,因為你買的是套裝行程。 不過,也有人喜歡自助旅行,你可以選擇住豪華的度假村或便宜的汽車旅館、在五星級餐廳還是小飯館用餐。不管你喜歡的是跟團的輕鬆,還是自助旅行的自由自在,出國旅遊都是最好過春節的方法。
