China and the Environment: The Green Revolution | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

China and the Environment: The Green Revolution

作者:Geall, Sam (EDT)

Sixteen of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China. A serious water pollution incident occurs once every two-to-three days. China's breakneck growth causes great concern about its global environmental impacts, as others look to China as a source for possible future solutions to climate change. But how are Chinese people really coming to grips with environmental problems? This book provides access to otherwise unknown stories of environmental activism and forms the first real-life account of China and its environmental tensions. "China and the Environment" provides a unique report on the experiences of participatory politics that have emerged in response to environmental problems, rather than focusing only on macro-level ecological issues and their elite responses. Featuring previously untranslated short interviews, extracts from reports and other translated primary documents, the authors argue that going green in China isn't just about carbon targets and energy policy; China's grassroots green defenders are helping to change the country for the better.

Sam Geall is Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography of China at the University of Oxford and Executive Editor of "" He is an editor of "Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 7/10: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability." Sam has written for many international publications including "The Guardian, Foreign Policy, New Humanist, openDemocracy, Index on Censorship" and "Green Futures." He is a Fellow of the RSA.
