參展管理:從戰略到評估 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



展覽會除了本身是一種高效率的營銷方式外,還為參展企業提供了集中運用多種營銷手段的可能,進而將營銷和銷售結合在一起,因而從理論上講,參展比一系列的單獨銷售手段更加有效。而且,作為商務活動的重要類型,展覽會和其他買家賣家活動(buyer seller events)之間的差異越來越難以區分。本書站在企業整合營銷戰略的高度,並按基本的參展流程來組織編寫。首先,本書從展覽會的功能、企業整合營銷戰略與參展的關系、參展與公司活動的區別以及企業參展的一般流程入手,分展前准備(before the exhibition)、展中管理(at the exhibition)和展後跟進(after the exhibition)三個階段,介紹了各個階段的工作重點。其次,本書追求理論和實踐的有機結合,全書穿插了大量補充閱讀、經典實例和案例分析,以幫助讀者理解和鞏固書中的知識點。

第1章 展覽會及全球展覽業發展Chapter 1Exhibition and the development of global exhibition industry第一節認識展覽會的功能/3 Identifying the functions of exhibitions第二節展覽業發展的趨勢/8 Future trends of exhibition industry第三節企業參展的變化趨勢及其對展覽業的影響/12 Evolving exhibitor trends and the impacts on exhibition organizers21第2章 成功參展的基礎Chapter 2The basis of successful participation in exhibitions第一節企業整合營銷戰略與參展/23 Enterprises』 integrated marketing strategy and participation in exhibitions第二節參展與其他營銷活動/26 Exhibiting and other types of marketing events第三節參展成功和失敗的主要原因/29 Main causes of success and failure during exhibiting41第3章 參展工作流程:從目標出發Chapter 3The process of participation in exhibitions:Starting from the objectives第一節參展的一般流程/43 The basic process of participation in exhibitions第二節展前准備/45 The preparation for participation in exhibitions第三節現場管理/63 On site management during exhibiting第四節展後工作/70 Post show work75第4章 展前客戶邀請與宣傳Chapter 4Pre show clients invitation and publicity第一節客戶的界定/77 Defining the clients during exhibiting第二節確定參展目標/83 Setting the objectives of exhibiting第三節常用的觀眾邀請方式/88 Commonly used ways of clients invitation第四節展前宣傳活動/92 Pre show publicity plan103第5章 展台設計與搭建Chapter 5Booth design and layout第一節展台基礎知識/105 Basic knowledge about booth第二節展台設計與搭建的工作流程/119 The work flow of booth design and setting up第三節展台設計與搭建的相關規則/129 The regulations of booth design and setting up141第6章 展品的選擇與物流Chapter 6The choice and logistics of exhibits第一節展品的選擇與包裝/143 The choice and packaging of exhibits第二節展品運輸/148 Exhibits Shipment第三節展品進出館安排/156 The exhibits』 moving in and out management169第7章 參展人員的遴選與培訓Chapter 7The selection and training of exhibiting staffs第一節參展人員的分類與職責/171 Categories and duty of exhibiting staffs第二節確定參展人員/175 Selection of exhibiting staffs第三節參展人員培訓的形式/178 Common forms of exhibiting staffs training第四節參展人員培訓的主要內容/180 Main content of exhibiting staffs training187第8章 吸引和接待觀眾Chapter 8How to attract and receive attendees on site?第一節現場觀眾接待的主要內容/189 The main content of on site attendees reception第二節吸引觀眾的常用方法/192 The commonly used methods to attract attendees第三節如何與觀眾有效溝通/197 Effective communication with the attendees第四節潛在客戶評估/201 Evaluation on potential customers207第9章 市場情報管理Chapter 9Market intelligence management第一節觀察競爭對手/209 Observe the competitors on site第二節參加專業會議/216 Participation in professional conferences第三節參與客戶交流活動/218 To participate in the activities of communication with customers第四節知識產權保護/222 Protection of intellectual property235第10章 現場活動管理Chapter 10On site Management第一節產品演示/237 Product demonstration第二節新聞發布會/240 Press conference第三節產品發布會/243 New products launching第四節文娛表演/248 Floor show and performances第五節招待會/251 Reception259第11章 參展後勤管理Chapter 11Logistics management during exhibiting第一節參展人員的差旅服務/261 Travel services for exhibiting staffs第二節文印和財務管理/266 Printing and financial management第三節現場設備、展具租賃/273 On site devices and appliances leasing第四節開展後的後勤服務/278 On site logistics management285第12章 展後客戶分析與跟進Chapter 12Customers analysis and follow up atfer the exhibition第一節展後客戶資料的整理與分析/287 Customer data collection and analysis第二節常用的客戶跟進方式與技術創新/293 Commonly used ways of customers follow up and technical innovation第三節顧客跟進的階段與策略/297 Stages and strategy of customer follow up307第13章 參展效果評估Chapter 13The exhibiting effects assessment第一節參展表現評價/309 Evaluation on the performance of participation in exhibition第二節成本 收益分析/315 Cost benefit analysis第三節企業參展效果的優化/320 How to improve ROI of exhibiting第四節撰寫參展工作報告/323 Writing work report after the exhibition第五節新的開始/327 New start333本課程推薦閱讀Reading Recommendation335參考文獻References
