Women, Matrimonial Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Adr): Transforming Indian Justice Delivery System for Achieving Gender Justice | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Women, Matrimonial Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Adr): Transforming Indian Justice Delivery System for Achieving Gender Justice

作者:Tyagi, Neelam

Dr Neelam Tyagi is an assistant professor at the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.She completed her law degree from the prestigious Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, New Delhi (India) after obtaining her B.A. in Psychology (Honours) from the same university. Though she has taught many law courses both at the postgraduate and undergraduate level, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and women and law are her major areas of interest. She is an accredited trained Mediator and as an educator, is significantly involved in the propagation of the concept of ADR both at the college and community level. She has to her credit various research papers and chapters in the edited book on an entire range of topics dealing with gender justice and its related aspects including gender and labour laws and policies in India, women and personal laws in India, gender and sexuality inmedia and indecent representation of women, women and children as enslaved victims of human trafficking, the correlation between gender inequities and property laws and challenges to women’s economic empowerment, gender injustice and denials under marriage and divorce law, ensuring rights to surrogates, UNDG and inclusive growth for women, revision and reforms in the family laws through uniform civil code, the linkage between women empowerment and environment, laws for women’s safety and security and legal amendments, to name a few.
