A World in Chaos: Perspectives into the Post Corona World Disorder | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

A World in Chaos: Perspectives into the Post Corona World Disorder

作者:Mahmood-Ul-Hassan, Syed Tariq

Syed Tariq Mahmood-ul-Hassan (T M Hassan) is a Pakistani analyst, sociopreneur, and a celebrated writer. T M Hassan holds a Master in Laws along with a Business degree from Northampton University, UK. He is a member of the established global thinktanks including the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Royal Commonwealth Society, Chatham House, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He has led many educational, training & consulting projects in collaboration with various national and international agencies. T M Hassan has appeared in various TV programmes as an expert on international relations and global affairs and politics. Over the past 20 years, he has spoken at many global institutions and universities in more than 22 countries. With extensive insights on the global state of affairs, his books and articles examine the key developments determining the world’s future. His weekly columns are published in the Daily Jang, London. T M Hassan regularly interacts with prominent figures in politics, business and economics in Europe and Asia and analyses global issues from a spiritual standpoint.
