國貿英語E-mail有一套:我靠抄貼效率翻倍、獎金加倍(附學習光碟) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



掌握寫E-mail訣竅 偷回25%的工作時間

  E-mail 終極三大學習法



Unit 1 寄送產品目錄 Delivery of Catalogue
Unit 2寄發產品目錄後之追蹤 (不符合買方需求) Follow-Up after Catalogue Delivery (Not Conforming to Buyer’s Demand)
Unit 3回覆還價Feedback to Counter Offer
Unit 4引薦客戶Request of Customer Recommendation
Unit 5 邀請觀展Invitation to the Trade Exhibition
Unit 6會展招呼訪客Serving the Visitor
Unit 7 會展議價 Price Negotiation in the Exhibition
Unit 8 感謝招待 Expressing Appreciation for Hospitality
Unit 9 詢價及報價 Inquiry & Quotation 
Unit 10 追蹤報價 Follow up the Quotation
Unit 11 議價不成 Failure of Counter Offer
Unit 12調價通知 Notification of Price Adjustment
Unit 13催促開立信用狀 Urge to Open L/C
Unit 14要求修改信用狀Request of L/C Amendment
Unit 15通知銀行改信用狀Notify Bank of L/C Amendment
Unit 16放寬付款條件 Request of Easing Payment Term
Unit 17託收付款Payment term as Collection
Unit 19承兌延遲 Delay of Acceptance
Unit 20支票付款 Payment Terms as Check 
Unit 21退票通知 Notification for Bounced Check
Unit 22洽詢保險公司 Enquiry to Insurance Company
Unit 23 需求額外保險 Request of Additional Insurance
Unit 24提出索賠通知 Notification of Claim 
Unit 25洽詢船班 Enquiry of Shipping Schedule
Unit 26裝船通知 Shipping Advice
Unit 27漏裝處理 Make-Up for Short Delivery
Unit 28 數量不符 Error Shipping Quantity
Unit 29 功能瑕疵 Function Defect 
Unit 30 回覆延遲 Delay Response
Unit 31結單錯誤 Statement Error
Unit 32天然災害索賠(保險公司賠償) Claim for Natural Disaster with Shipping Company
Unit 33功能瑕疵索賠(買賣索賠) Claim for Functional Defect with Seller
Unit 34 付款延遲索賠Claim for Delay Payment
Unit 35裝運延誤索賠(買賣索賠)Claim for Delay Shipment with Seller
Unit 36付款延遲索賠(買賣索賠)Claim for Delay Payment with Seller
Unit 37取消訂單Request of Order Cancellation
Unit 38 要求換貨Request of Replacement
Unit 1新品上市 Notification of New Product Launch
Unit 2產品停產 Notification of Production Suspense
Unit 3恢復往來 Business Resuming
Unit 4同意代理 Agreement for Exclusive Agency
Unit 5產品介紹(對首次見面客戶)Product Introduction to New Customer
Unit 6尋求合作 Exporters looking for customers
Unit 7信用調查 Credit Investigation
Unit 8產品評估 Product Evaluation
Unit 9產品開發 Product Development
Unit 10送樣審核 PPAP Verification
Unit 11邀請觀展 Invitation to the Trade Exhibition
Unit 12會展接待 Serving the Visitors
Unit 13展後拜訪 Visitation Plan to Potential Customer Meeting in the Exhibition
Unit 14簽證申請 Applying for Visa
Unit 15交通安排 Transportation Arrangement
Unit 16食宿預定 Restaurant & Hotel Reservation 
Unit 17人員介紹 Introduction of Company Staff
Unit 18公司介紹 Tour of Office Building
Unit 19 參觀工廠 Tour of Facility
Unit 20 認證稽核 Certification
Unit 21活動邀請 Invitation
Unit 22人事異動 Reshuffle Announcement
Unit 23 喬遷啟示 Removal Notification
Unit 24 表達祝賀 Expressing Congratulation 
Unit 25 表達弔唁 Expressing Condolence



