Slaughter Park | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年6月

Slaughter Park

作者:Maitland, Barry

Harry Belltree's obsessive pursuit of justice has cost him everything--his job in homicide, his marriage and his newborn child. He has nothing left to lose, or so he thinks. Then his estranged wife disappears, leaving their baby daughter behind. The police think Jenny has murdered a man. Harry thinks she's in danger. When severed limbs are found dangling from the branches of trees in a suburban park, Harry's former colleagues are pulled off Jenny's case. It's up to Harry to track his missing wife down on his own. And to lay bare, at last, the extraordinary conspiracy that led to his parents' murder.

Barry Maitland was born in Scotland and in 1984 moved to Australia to head a university architecture school. Maitland is the award-winning author of several previous novels featuring DCI David Brock and DI Kathy Kolla, most recently The Raven’s Eye, which was a Library Reads selection. His books are read throughout the English-speaking world and in translation in a number of other countries. He lives in New South Wales, Australia.
