Probability & Statistics: How Mathematics Can Predict the Future | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年5月

Probability & Statistics: How Mathematics Can Predict the Future

作者:Goldsmith, Mike

Dr. Mike Goldsmith is a science writer and former head of the UK’s National Physical Laboratory, where he specialized in astronomy and the science of sound. In his many nonfiction books for children, Mike engages with a wide range of topics, including mathematics, space exploration, time travel, and the history of science. Mike received a PhD in astrophysics from Keele University in the UK. He lives in Twickenham, southwest London. Tom Jackson, series editor, is a science and technology writer based in the UK. Tom specializes in recasting these subjects into lively historical narratives by uncovering vivid stories that help to create new ways to enjoy the sciences. He studied at the University of Bristol and still lives in that city with his wife and three children.
