Too Much Stuff | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Too Much Stuff

作者:Emily Gravett

繼備受好評的《Tidy 整潔》後
凱特格林威大獎得主艾蜜莉.葛拉菲特Emily Gravett溫馨新作

  還記得《Tidy 整潔》故事中,愛乾淨的獾彼得住的那座森林嗎?森林裡來了一對喜鵲——梅格跟艾許,他們正打算築巢孵蛋。一開始,梅格跟艾許銜來了泥土、樹枝、草築巢,但很快就發現這些材料不夠棒,於是他們開始蒐集更多東西:布穀鳥鐘、拖把、襪子、嬰兒車,甚至還有汽車!梅格跟艾許各種需求層出不窮,最後不可避免的,他們的小窩垮了!該怎麼辦呢? 
  榮獲英國凱特格林威大獎(Kate Greenaway Medal)的英國超人氣繪本創作者艾蜜莉.葛拉菲特(Emily Gravett),擅長發想各式各樣的小動物故事,作品中常穿插有令讀者眼睛為之一亮的創意設計。充滿創意的說故事方式,以及細膩、色彩豐富的繪圖設計,讓孩子深深地被吸引進繪本世界,享受有趣故事帶來的閱讀樂趣。

  From the creator of modern classic Meerkat Mail comes a very funny woodland story showing the dangers of having too much stuff. Based in the same forest as Gravett’s award-winning Tidy, it features a host of gorgeous woodland animals, including Pete the badger.


  Meg and Ash are a pair of magpies who are building a nest for their perfect eggs. Although they begin their nest construction using the usual mud, sticks and grass, Meg and Ash are soon convinced that their nest doesn’t have enough stuff and begin to collect more things to add to an ever-growing pile. From cuckoo clocks to mops and socks, a pram and even a car – their need for stuff seems endless. Until - crash! - the inevitable happens.


  Emily Gravett's engaging, exquisitely illustrated story will appeal to fans of Tidy and of such classics as The Animals of Farthing Wood and the glorious package including a double-sided jacket with shaped flaps, make it a perfect gift for young eco-warriors . . . and for everyone.
