The Music Man | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Music Man

作者:Rourke, J. V.

This novel is explosive in every sense: it removes the current limits of social mores and blasts them into infinity. Ricardo Garcia Latif, alias the Music Man is an antagonist with panache for original crimes. He takes no prisoners; death and destruction trail behind him and then he vanishes like an apparition. Let him into your world and you come face to face with undiluted evil and paranoia on a scale that will jolt you out of your apathy. When you know him, every stranger you view with suspicion or fear. Westhampton, a town in Sussex is his second target and his identity a mystery, he is free to explode his device. Army Colonel Imelda Marvell obsession, working in unison with Ernest Boffey, (Prof) Head of Bring in Terrorists Scheme (BITS), they have to arrest the 'Phantoms, ' who have already blasted a Yorkshire seaside town, Knightley Bay. Prof finds a database pattern and enlists the help of Adam Tiff, whose younger brother Tim is mysteriously and brutally murdered. Adam, guitarist in the White Crows Blues Band, drummer Craggy, Saxophonist Goliath, and Vocalist Malcolm, become tangled in a massive hunt. The trail leads them not to a political terrorist Cell as assumed, but to one man. By the time they are aware of the full extent of his malevolence, serious doubts immerge about anyone's ability to capture him before he inflicts more havoc on the public. After Knightley Bay is decimated, Westhampton becomes the focus for a race against time. Two highly trained professionals put long illustrious careers on the line: for Adam and Malcolm, revenge is their motivation: whilst personal satisfaction is priority for Craggy and Goliath. But that changes.
