趣味美語365天:職場美語全攻略 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



  本書的誕生是渴望學好道地美式英語學子的福音,作者深知學習問題的根源,以創新的方式將365 則常用字、片語、慣用語,配合美國人日常生活情境和職場實際英語溝通情境,獨創性的編寫出實用範例,可使讀者能很有效的學會使用道地美式英語。
  本書更令人感動的是作者的創作動機, 一位充滿智慧又有慈悲心的主管, 願意將畢生所學的美式英語知能和寶貴職場經驗, 無私的奉獻教導部屬,進而在因緣際會之間出版,造福更多的學子。   Day1(第1天)Black Friday 黑色星期五
  During a conference call between a supplier and customer, the customer mentioned, “We're expecting our new products to sell well for the coming holidays from Black Friday all the way through Christmas.
  最近有位供應商與其客戶的電話會議中,客戶說:「希望我們的新產品可從黑色星期五(感恩節翌日)開始, 一直大賣到聖誕節。」
  Black Friday - the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is always the third Thursday of November, in the United States and is considered as the start of the holiday shopping season by the general public. By and large, retailers are expecting upward trend in sales. They'll open their stores early to draw in customers by offering various kinds of special promotions. This term comes from the idea that retail stores will generate enough sales to get them in the black' meaning profits in the company's accounting, which are recorded in black as opposed to loss in red.
  Black Friday -黑色星期五,在美國是指感恩節的翌日,美國的感恩節總是落在十一月的第三個星期四,所以感恩節的翌日就是星期五。公眾把這一天視為銷售旺季的開始。大體上,零售商都期待從這一天起銷售額會上漲,商店很早開門,零售商通過各種促銷活動來吸引顧客。黑色星期五一詞,來源於在這一天,零售商的銷售業績好能盈利,盈利是以黑色字記在公司的會計帳上,而有別於赤字代表虧損。
  Example 例句:
  In order to get the best deal for Black Friday sales, we're going to camp outside of the shopping mall on Thanksgiving evening.
  Day 2(第2天)Articulate 清楚表達;解釋明白
  During a businee review, the supplier's proposed production plan wasn't clear to the customer. The customer made a comment, “You need to articulate your assumptions and objectives very clearly to make us fully understand and agree.
  Articulate - to give clarity to  Articulate 清楚表達;解釋明白
  Example 例句:
  The Chief Executive Officer appears to clearly understand, and is prepared to articulate, the depth of the challenges facing his company.
  Day 3(第3天)A piece of cake 輕而易舉
  The customer made a request for an easy engineering test. The supplier's test manager responded, “It's a piece of cake. We can get it done by 5 p.m. today.
  A piece of cake─ something easily done  A piece of cake -小菜一碟;輕而易舉。
  Example 例句:
  She thought her first recital would be a piece of cake because she knew her piece so well that it would be easy.
  美國史丹佛大學 材料科學與工程碩士  美國聖塔克拉拉大學 電機工程與電腦科學碩士  臺灣成功大學 工程科學學士

AA big fish in a small pond,A breath of fresh air,A case in point,A drop in the bucket,A friend in need is a friend indeed,A given,A handful of,A last-ditch effort,A pat on the back,A penny saved is a penny earned,A picture is worth a thousand words,A piece of cake,A piece of the action,A rule of thumb,Above and beyond,Acronym,Across the board,Add fuel to the fire,Afford,Against the clock,All bets are off,All Greek,All in the same boat,Anonymous,Around the corner,Articulate,As a whole,As sick as a dog,As soon as,As usual,At length,At one's fingertips,At risk,At stake,At the end of the day,(At) times,At one' s disposal,
BBack and forth,Back to square one,Bang through,Bark up the wrong tree,Beat a dead horse,Beat around the bush,Before you know it,Behind one' s back,Bells and whistles,Better late than never,Better off,Between a rock and a hard place,Between you and me,Birds of a feather flock together,Bite off more than one can chew,Bite the bullet,Bite one' s tongue,Black Friday,Bless you, or God bless you,Blow one' s own trumpet ; Toot one' s own horn,Bog down,Bounce something off someone,Break even,Break the ice,Break new ground,Breakout session,Brush up on,Build up,Burn one' s bridge,Burn out,Burn the candle at both ends,Buzz,By and large,By no means,By the same token,By the way,
CCadence,Call,Call it a day,Call it quits,Call off,Call the shots,Can' t judge a book by its cover,Can' t teach an old dog new trick,Card,Carried away,Carrying it a bit too far,Catch,Catch a cold,Caveat,Change one' s mind,Change one' s tune,Cherry-pick,Chitchat,Clean up,Collaborate,Come a long way,Come across,Come in handy,Come out with,Come to an end,Come up with,Coming out of one's ears,Come out with,Comparing apples to apples,Comparing apples to oranges,Convey,Count on,Cross one' s fingers,Crying over spilled milk,Crying wolf,Cut corners,
DDay and night,Dig one' s own grave,Direct,Disseminate,Distribute,Do the trick,Do one' s homework,Don' t cross that bridge until you come to it,Done deal,Don' t belong here,Down the street,Drastic times call for drastic measures,Drop-in,
EEasier said than done,Elaborate,Encroach on or upon,Entertain,Entitled to,Error-prone,Everything being equal,Everything but the kitchen sink,
FFall short; come short,Fall through the cracks,Feel like,Fiddle with,Fifty-fifty Figure out,Flesh out,From scratch,Flush out something; flush something out,Fly by the seat of my pants,For good,Freak out,
GGet cold feet,Get hands dirty,Get in touch with,Get off on the right foot,Get one' s act together,Get over it,Get stuck,Give someone a heads up,Go all the way,Go the extra mile,Go to any lengths,Goes out of the window,Grapple with,Great minds think alike,
HHanded down,Hands-on,Hash out,Haste makes waste,Have no idea,Have nothing to do with,Have something to do with,Highlight,Hold someone accountable,Holdup,Household name,
IIf it' s not one thing, it' s another,If you can' t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,Impinge on,In a hurry,In addition,In and out,In good hands,In good shape,In light of,In place,In question,In retrospect,In someone' s shoes,In store,In the ballpark,In the dark,In the driver' s seat,In the long run,In the meantime,In the works,Independent of,Initiative,It goes without saying,It is raining cats and dogs,It takes two to tango,It' s a small world,It' s not one thing, it' s another,It' s not rocket science,
JJack of all trades, master of none,Jargon,Jet lag,Jump on the bandwagon,Jump the gun,
KKeep an eye on,Keep in mind; Bear in mind,Keep on one' s toes,Keep someone at arm' s length,Keep something at bay,Keep something intact,Keep track of,Keep up with,Kill two birds with one stone,
LLearn the ropes,Leave someone alone,Lend me your ear,Let someone down,Let Mother Nature take care of itself,Line of thought,Line up your ducks; have your ducks in a row,Little by little,Live up to,Lo and behold,Look over,Lose one' s head,Low-hanging fruits,Low man on the totem pole,
MMake a long story short,Make (both) ends meet,Make concessions,Make ends meet,Make headway,Make it,Make it through,Make out,Make room for,Make sense,Make someone' s life easier,Make the most of,Make up one' s mind,Money is no object,Moonlight,Moving target,Music to someone' s ears,
NNeedle in a haystack,Nitty-gritty,No big deal,No pain, no gain,Nomenclature,Not a chance,
OOff the hook,Off the record,Off-line,On alert,On hand,On hold,On the fly,On the safe side,On the same page,On top of,Once and for all,One' s back up against the wall,One-on-one,One-to-one,Orchestrate,Other than,Out of control,Out of options,Out of order,Out of service,Out of the blue,Out of the question,Out of the woods,Out of touch,Out on a limb,Over one' s head,Oversight,
PPass away,Pay the price,Pennywise and poundfoolish,Pick up the tab,Pissed off,Plan Of Record (POR),Play catch-up,Play (it) by ear,Poach,Polished,Populate,Potluck,Practice makes perfect,Proactive,Pros and cons,Pull someone' s leg,Pull the trigger,Put all one' s eggs in one basket,Put away,Put on,Put one' s best foot forward,
QRRack up,Rain check,Raise the bar,Refresh,Resume,Ring,Ring up,Roll up sleeves,Roller coaster,Rub salt in a wound,Run an errand,
SSecond nature,See light at the end of the tunnel,Sense,Set someone apart,Set aside,Settle down,Sharpen your pencil,Shed some light on something,Short-handed,Shot in the arm,Silver lining,Slate,Smoke and mirrors,Speak highly of someone,Speak of the devil,Spin one' s wheels,Stand a chance,Stay put,Step on someone' s toes,Subject to,Sweet tooth,
TTag,Tail wagging the dog,Take a stab at,Take a walk,Take advantage of,Take care of,Take into account,Take over,Take part in,Take place,Take something for granted,Takeaway,The ball is in your court,The bottom line,The devil is in the details,The first step is always the hardest,The grass is always greener on the other side,The numbers do not add up,The other way around,The sky is the limit,The squeaky wheel gets the oil,The straw that broke the camel's back,The writing on the wall,There is no place like home,Things are looking good,Throw darts in the dark,Throw in the towel,Throw someone off,Time is of the essence,Tongue in cheek,Touch base with someone,Train of thought,Turn out,Two cents,Two heads are better than one,
UUnanimous,Under control,Under the gun,Up for grabs,Up to,Up to it,Up to par,
VWWalk through,What goes around comes around,What' s your sense,When in Rome, do as the Romans doWhen it rains, it pours,Where' s the beef?,Wind down,Wishy-washy,Without a doubt,Without a second thought,Word of mouth,Workaround,Workout,Wouldn' t touch something with a ten-foot pole,Wrestle with,X
YYou can lead a horse to water, but you can' tmake it drink,You get what you pay for,You got me,You made my day,Your guess is as good as mine,
ZZero in on,

施哲人2013年4月[email protected]
