Writing for Profit or Pleasure: Where to Publish Your Work | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Writing for Profit or Pleasure: Where to Publish Your Work

作者:Bittinger, Marie/ Douglas, Allan

Writing for Profit or Pleasure; Where to Publish Your Work, is 146 pages (paperback version), 30,000 words of concise, insightful information about where and how a writer can achieve publication of their writings. Whether you write for income or for the joy of it, whether you aspire to write on-line or for print, this book has a wealth of information to help you find and secure publication. Chapters included in the book are: Chapter 1 Overview What Are Your Publication Options? Chapter 2 Online Communal Publishers What they are, how they work, which ones are worth your time Chapter 3 Blogging What platforms to use, hosted or not, how to set them up. Chapter 4 Kindle Your Blog How to offer your blog to millions of Kindle readers, step by step instructions. Chapter 5 Magazines and EZines Finding the ones that are right for you. How to query. How to follow-up. Chapter 6 Formatting for eBook Conversion How to prepare a manuscript for conversion and submission eBook producers. Chapter 7 Kindle EBook Kindle specific instructions take you step-by-step through the submission process. Chapter 8 Formatting for ePub B&N specific instructions take you step by step through the submission process. Chapter 9 Publishing a PDF Book How to convert your manuscript to PDF, include art and what to watch out for. Chapter 10 Using a Vanity Press (and POD) What is a vanity press? What is POD? How they work and how they are different. Chapter 11 Writing for Book Publishers Preparation for seeking an agent. Finding an agent who fits well with you. How to skip the agent and query publishers directly. Chapter 12 Writing for Article Brokers What are content brokers, which ones are good, what to avoid, can you make money? Chapter 13 Writing for Newspapers Find papers you can write for. The Journalist's Bible, Building an audience. Allan Douglas has been writing and publishing through a variety of venues since the late 1970's. His first commercially published book came in 1984. A full listing of his writing career is available at his writer's blog http: //www.AllanDouglas.com/blog/about-me/

Allan Douglas has been an author, writer, and prattler since the 1970’s; published mostly in magazines. He has three books to date (one by a commercial publisher, two self-published) and more on the way. He lives on a mountainside in the Cherokee National Forest in East Tennessee with his wonderful wife, and a pair of 85 pound bulldogs. He serves as an ordained Elder in his church, is a master woodworker, former custom furniture maker and once dreamt of sailing the world in a Bristol Channel Cutter. Stories about this and his life as a mountain man wannabe are posted to his blog http: //AllanDouglas.com/blog/
